Thunderbirds Wiki
Thunderbirds Wiki

A'Ben Duh is one of the biggest oil refineries in the Middle East.

In Ricochet, the refinery comes under threat when the Pirate Satellite TV Station KLA falls out of orbit after being damaged by a Telsat 4 rocket. Heading back to earth ISC targets the crash-landing on the oil refinery.

Oil Refinery Trucks[]

Mission to Save the Refinery[]

Virgil Tracy, with Brains on-board, flies off to the Middle East in Thunderbird 2, planning to shoot down the satellite, but then Brains picks up Rick O'Shea's broadcast, indicating that he must still be aboard the satellite. With Thunderbird 5 out of action, Virgil cannot check with Jeff Tracy if this is so, and Brains feels that he cannot simply shoot down the satellite if O'Shea is still on board.

Virgil angles Thunderbird 2 to catch the satellite on its wing, carrying it away from the refinery, but KLA eventually falls clear of Thunderbird 2 and crashes into the desert.

Returning dejectedly to Tracy Island believing that O'Shea has died in the crash, Virgil and Brains are delighted to learn from Alan Tracy that he did manage to rescue O'Shea after all.
