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Thunderbirds Wiki

The Monobrake is a low-slung search and recovery utility vehicle capable of either travelling along monorail tunnels or, by using its front-mounted cahelium strengthened telescopic arm. The telescopic arm can be attached to an overhead monorail. A safety hood behind the driver/passenger seating serves as a barrier from the extreme temperatures of the jet engine.

Due to its low height, the Monobrake can drive in a monorail tunnel and have a train pass over it without incident.

The vehicle appeared in The Perils Of Penelope, is glimpsed in the vehicle hangar in Cry Wolf and can be seen in Pod 1 in Security Hazard.

Technical Data

Length: 14 metres
Power: gas turbines (ground level); jet turbines (high speed)
Seating capacity: 1 driver and 3 passengers
Speed: jet engine on monorail = 480 kph; caterpillar tracks on ground = 112 kph
Weight: 3 tonnes
Width: 5 metres

